Communicating Artistic Identity

 As I embark on my last semester of my M.Arch degree, I am also taking one last opportunity for an academic art class, painting IV, as I never got to take it in my undergrad ( how does one divide their love of painting and printmaking??).  So, I'm going to share whatever I can of my work as I produce it. I am also hoping that they explorations and themes I delve can perhaps begin to bridge into my architectural practice.  Our first assignment  is an introduction of ourselves as artists as a way of finding a departure point for the body of work we will produce over the course of the semester.  I am really looking forward. . . no, I am INCREDIBLY excited and elated at the prospect of making art again. 


Communicating Artistic Identity ||

"Passwords offer a passage to a particular area of interest. This assignment requires that you define what your own passwords are that "let you into" larger fields which define your artistic identity."

|| Passwords 

loose | blind | messy | gestural | happy accidents |narrative | mundane//everyday | memory | domestic space | urban space | social space | cities | animals and nature//escape from cities | flattened perspective | shallow space | referential | textiles//yarn | fabric | patterns | printmaking | cake decorating  | human scale | material exploration as form finding | evocative | quiet | naive | architectural | Deleuze | Louise Bourgeois | Coco Chanel | Alexander McQueen | Vivienne Westwood | Betsey Johnson | Francis Bacon | Kiki Smith | illustration | contour lines | maps | networks | marker | oil & acrylic | string | fashion | feminine | layered
+  design | digital manipulation as form finding | geometry | natural geometry | parametrics | Modernism | future | eclectic | avant-garde | residential architecture


            My areas of interest are really twofold. One one hand, I have a sensibility that I have developed that is based on my own mark . . . a loose, guestural, instinctual mark that merely represents the essence of a thing- a reference, not a true to life representation. I have previously been interested in domestic spaces – domestic relationships, social situations and imbuing everyday, mundane objects and spaces (such as kitchens and mittens) with a new meaning or feeling. I have generally worked on a small scale, more intimate scale that requires close examination. Although I have painted in larger scale (the largest being 4’x6’ approx) using oil, generally my work is no larger than 11 x 17 in acrylic, or is on paper using marker and/or aquarelles.  I usually go with my gut – think through working and embrace accidents and the uncertain. This subject matter has often been mixed with textiles (yarn, fabric, embroidery) in a way making traditional domestic craft into art.
            My more recent areas of interest are in the field of architecture and design. This is diametrically opposed to the delicate and personal drawings, paintings, prints and photos I have previously made in a state of pleasure. Architecture is a discipline that requires precision. Deploying digital and computational [parametric] logics, as well as iterative model making and material exploration as a tool to find form has largely created my work.   I am interested in and curious to see how I could develop a design based artwork, without loosing my own sensibility. I have yet to feel confident that I have developed a personal style or identity in architecture the way I have found my own language in visual art. 

One such place where architecture and art have collided for me is in the contemporary city.  After spending three months in Barcelona (most recently) I have a new desire to investigate the kinds of domestic spaces I encountered, explore density, urban and social fabric. I am also interested in networks generated by cities, by the smooth and the striated.  Mapping is one way of communicating different kinds of information about places – I also have this experience photo documented. I am curious to find moments, memories and details worthy of communicating

//////////////////////////////ARTISTS WHO SHARE COMMON CONCERNS [or whom I find influential]

messy | loose | human scale | domestic space | messy | feminine | social spaces |memory

 loose | human scale | domestic space | messy | feminine | memory | printmaking | patterns

Untitled, 1940
. . . Here on the left is a figure lying down, who is either asleep or waiting for a mate. Nobody knows. . . You see the horse in the meadow. Nobody knows why he's there, what he's doing, why he's waiting. But he's peaceful. He's waiting for something: nobody knows what it is, but he has a right to wait. He has a right to exist.

Femme Maison, 1947

Louise Bourgeois

Louise Bourgeois, "Cell: You Better Grow Up," 1993.

Louise BourgeoisPink Days and Blue Days, 1997. Steel, fabric, bone, wood, glass, rubber, and mixed media, 117 × 87 × 87 in. (297.2 × 221 × 221 cm) overall. Whitney Museum of American Art, New York;

LINKS - flickr / site / blog / shop
 messy | narrative | mundane//everyday | memory | domestic space | social space | cities | illustration | quiet | naive | flattened perspective | shallow space | architecture

printmaking | textiles | messy | mundane//everyday | memory | domestic | eclectic | evocative | textiles | material exploration as form making 

flattened perspective | shallow space | textiles//yarn | fabric | patterns | material exploration as form finding | quiet | Deleuze | illustration | maps | networks | string | fashion | feminine | memory

 nature | everyday | domestic life | patterns | illustration | social space | cities | animals and nature//escape from cities | flattened perspective | shallow space | patterns | textiles

People I Remember, Places I Don't
Selected pages from a book produced for an artists book exhibition "Little Wonder"This book is a collection of drawings based on a selection of family photographs. The drawings are divided between my family members and their actions which i can recall from my childhood, and the locations of these moments that i dont.

Cover is printed and bound by hand and the content printed by Doveton press

Bearly Warm

Self Published 16 page full colour picture book.
Printed by Doveton Press

loose | evocative | flattened | shallow space | oil


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