Backstreet's Back

So, here we are blog. You still exist. My browser still has the password to sign into you.  It's funny how we all manage to leave internet garbage around eh? Like, does my old Live Journal still exist?  Stupid Live Journal. Ruined my life. This is a long and embarrassing story that I will most certainly tell you if we meet in person, but I'll make it short by saying that my life was not literally ruined. More like, I liked a boy, I read his live journal, I thought he was talking bad about me specifically, but he was either making some comment about women in general, or some other girl who was chasing him. I assumed the former, called him out, was wrong, and then never talked to him again. Wait, it was either that or the STD scare. Oh God. Overshare.  So, what is this BLOG.  I majorly digressed there. Sorry.

Is this a place to write? Non peer reviewed internal ramblings. Unedited. Unashamed.

This is the internet. This is public. What I am I going to share about me? I want to share what I'm doing, thinking about and making. Oh yeah, and what inspires me.  Basically what I was doing before. Maybe I could have posts that people actually want to share - - - and "PIN" on Pinterest. #lifegoals.  I need to get myself back onto the internet. I have LOVED my break. I have LOVED staying at home with my new baby girl, but I have an intense burning desire to further my own life. My own career and persist. I also love to make stuff.

This is the most bizarre blog entry I have ever done. I don't know why it feels different. I feel like I'm writing in my journal, but in public. I just need a space to take notes on what I'm thinking. I have so many ideas that are my very own. I love Pinterest for other peoples ideas, but I think I need a space to brain storm. Notes that aren't on FB. If you want to get into my brain, you have to go to the trouble to visit my blog.

So here I am. Welcoming myself back after I've welcomed my dear sweet baby into the world.

I started a painting. I spent one nap on it so far.  It's basically a sketch of some clouds for a background.  Stay tuned to see how it turns out.


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