Autumn De Wilde
I made a startling discovering today; the incredible photography of Autumn De Wilde. I never realized how much of one persons work I had seen without knowing the author, incredible. A lot of her clients/subjects also happen to be some of my favourite bands, AND she's from my favourite city, NYC. Seems like an all around rad lady with mad skills.
While all of these photos struck a chord in me, the photos I like particularly best are the last two... Jack and Meg in the Mayor of Yellowknife's car, and the Decemberists polaroid. She has a website (coming soon to: and a blog that has a lot of very nice things on it:
While all of these photos struck a chord in me, the photos I like particularly best are the last two... Jack and Meg in the Mayor of Yellowknife's car, and the Decemberists polaroid. She has a website (coming soon to: and a blog that has a lot of very nice things on it: